Clutch Kits

Clutch kits Honda
When shifting gears in your Honda, a clutch kit is obviously important, not just a clutch kit, but this includes a clutch pressure plate, clutch disc and a clutch release bearing. With these, you can optimize your Honda and make shifting smoother. Less friction, clamp load is reduced, pedal feel is improved and operating range is extended. With this, A4H-TECH has the highest quality clutch kits with brands such as Competition Clutch, Exedy, M-Pact, OEM Honda and RPC.
ACT clutch kits Honda
ACT is by far the largest provider of Honda clutch parts. Complete clutch kits, clutch plates and centering pins. Products are available for the Honda B/F/K/H-Series engines. ACT's unique clutch kits can withstand the highest pressures, won't crack and ensure maximum performance. Also, ACT clutch plates can withstand heavy use and provide less shock to the driveline in your Honda.
Honda parts clutch kits
Clutch kits naturally consist of multiple products, and A4H-TECH also has these products available separately. Clutch plates withstand the highest pressures, provide better performance and allow for faster shifting. The clutch plates at A4H-TECH are available for the Honda racer or for the daily rider with the Honda B/F/K/H-Series engines. ACT's centering pin allows you to precisely measure out the clutch with the steering bearing, and thus is perfect for any Honda B/F/K/H-Series engines.