Ultra Racing C-style Säule Stange (Honda Civic 07-12 3/5 drs)
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This is a Genuine Ultra Racing suspension part that will direct fit without modifications. Many products available for a wide range range of vehicles. Established in 2002 Ultra Racing Malaysia have specialised in Improving chassis handling and safety with their wide range of strut bars, anti-roll bars and lower bars. Ultra Racing products are used in many different motorsport classes over the world including Drifting, Time Attack and Circuit Racing. From the start Ultra Racing have strived to offer the very best in chassis tuning and safety with a focus on extensive research and development both in house and on track. Ultra Racing have picked up many awards and recognitions for their hard work including the Industry Excellence Award and the Prestigious Brand Award. Ultra Racing products are now distributed to over 14 countries worldwide and are recognised by dealers, race drivers and the general public as a market leader in chassis tuning. Ultra Racing products are a must if you are looking to improve the handling and safety of your car whether it's for road or track use. Please confirm fitment before ordering. Fitment is not 100% ensured.