
If you are building a N/A race car or a boosted Honda engine it can be very important to get the right compression ratio in your B,D,H,K or F series engine.
Not only the pistons with a certain compression rate are important but also how much material you are skimming of the cylinder head and the thickness of the MLS head gasket that is being used.

We offer many products for your B16, D16, B18, F20, K20 and many more Honda engines.
Pistons, connection rods, various sizes of head gaskets and even high compression valves.
In order to know what products you can use together you can fill in all the specifications in the calculator.

Please note: There is a ‘basic’ calculator but also specific calculators for most of the more common Honda engines.

This calculator can be found HERE
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor kit stroker honda