T7Design RSP Ansaugkrümmer velocity stack billet (Honda K20Z4 motor)
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T7Design RSP Intake manifold velocity stack billet.
Introducing our new velocity stack which has been designed as a direct replacement for the original RSP intake runners/trumpets to enable a quick and simple way to alter the power band of the RSP Manifold. The RSP inlet manifold is well renowned for being an excellent flowing manifold on par with the popular RBC manifold with the exception of much better bonnet clearance, which is valueable to those with tight and compact engine bays.
In its standard form, the RSP inlet manifold (with original runners/trumpets) suffers with a power drop at higher RPM. Our velocity stack has been designed to be significantly shorter than the original and enables the tuning of the power band for higher revving applications in the K20 and K24 engine. Our velocity stack features the maximum size bell mouth as possible, which keeps a laminar attached flow into the runners which increases the flow and velocity. As a biproduct of the shorter trumpets, this enables a clear un-obstructed flow from the throttle body into the plenum.
Our velocity stacks are machined from 6061-T6 Aluminium and are offered in either raw billet finish or anodised Blue. To ensure direct fitment and to maximise the bell mouth size, all components of the RSP inlet manifold have been 3D laser scanned utilising our metrology grade scanner and a 3D printed prototype has been trialled and tested.
- Entirely machined from Billet 6061-T6 Aluminium; a high strength, low weight alloy.
- Direct fit to the K20Z4 FN2 RSP Inlet Manifold.
- Increased bell mouth size, which increases air flow and velocity.
- Shorter runners for increased peak power.
- Reduced obstruction to the airflow from throttle body.
Please note:
- Only compatible with the RSP K20Z4 FN2 Inlet Manifold.
- We recommend the use of loctite on the bolts threads when installing.
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