OEM Honda Hondalock 1 low Strength Schraubensicherung (universal)
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Similar to the traditional Loc-Tite you will find in most hardware stores, but Genuine Honda 'Hondalock' works 10x better. Sold individually and in a set that includes low, medium, and high strengths.
Hondalock 1 - Low Strength Threadlock
Remember to clean the part and bolt thoroughly before applying threadlock. Allow 5 minutes for it to set and 24 hours to fully cure.
- For frequently removed and/or low torque fasteners.
- Protects against corrosion and wear.
- Resists oil, most chemicals, moisture and vibration.
- Usable Temperature Range: -40 degrees F to 300 degrees F.
- 3 fl. oz / 10cc bottle.
Hondalock 2 - Medium Strength Threadlock
Remember to clean the part / bolt thoroughly before applying threadlock. Assemble parts immediately to proper torque value. Allow 5 minutes for it to set and 24 hours to fully cure.
- For medium torque fasteners.
- Protects against corrosion and wear.
- Resists oil, most chemicals, moisture and vibration.
- Usable Temperature Range: -40 degrees F to +300 degrees F.
- 3 fl. oz / 10cc bottle.
- Endorsed by Team Honda
Hondalock 2 HT - Medium Strength High-Temp Threadlock
Remember to clean the part / bolt thoroughly before applying threadlock. Assemble parts immediately to proper torque value. Allow 5 minutes for it to set and 24 hours to fully cure.
- For medium torque fasteners in high temperature applications.
- Protects against corrosion and wear.
- Resists oil, most chemicals, moisture and vibration.
- Usable Temperature Range: -40 degrees F to +400 degrees F.
- 3 fl. oz / 10cc bottle.
Hondalock 3 - High Strength Threadlock
Remember to clean the part / bolt thoroughly before applying threadlock. Assemble parts immediately to proper torque value. Allow 5 minutes for it to set and 24 hours to fully cure.
- For semi-permanent and/or high torque fasteners.
- Helps retain gears, bearings & pulleys to their shafts
- Protects against corrosion and wear.
- Resists oil, most chemicals, moisture and vibration.
- Usable Temperature Range: -40 degrees F to +300 degrees F.
- 3 fl. oz / 10cc bottle.