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Teilenummer: MSD-6425
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MSD Ignition 6AL Ignition Control mit Rev. Control (universal)

Inkl. 21% MwSt
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he MSD 6AL Ignition Control set the standards that other ignitions strive to reach. In fact, you'll find ignitions from other companies that carry the 6AL name (and in some cases, the same part number). MSD raised the bar even higher with the revised Digital 6AL Ignition Control! The wiring of the Digital 6AL is routed out one end of the unit through a sealed and locking connector. This eases installation and keeps your wiring looking neat and clean. The rev limiter of the 6AL is located right on top of the housing for easy access to the two rotary dials to set the limit in 100 rpm increments. Inside the Digital 6AL you'll find a microprocessor that monitors and controls every firing and rev limit. The circuits are updated with efficient components that help the ignition produce more power while drawing less current! In fact, the Digital 6AL delivers over 530 volts to the coil with up to 135mJ of spark energy for every firing! Increased output combined with MSD's proven multiple spark series is a win-win situation! The Digital 6AL is supplied with the wiring harness and the components you'll need for installation. The 6AL is also supplied with vibration mounts. Both ignitions are compatible on 4, 6 or 8-cylinder engines with 12-volt, negative ground electrical systems. They'll accept trigger inputs from breaker points, amplifiers and magnetic pickups.


  • High output with 530 volts and 135mJ of spark energy
  • Efficient components use less current to produce more power
  • Set an rpm limit with two rotary dials in 100 rpm increments
  • Built-in LED for system checks
  • All wires exit through a locked, sealed connector
  • Compatible with 4, 6 or 8-cylinder engines

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universell information-circle
Dieses Produkt ist universell, was bedeutet, dass es nicht speziell für eine bestimmte Automarke oder ein bestimmtes Modell entwickelt wurde. Universelle Produkte haben oft ein cleveres Design und sind vielseitig einsetzbar. Wie weiß ich, ob dieses Produkt für mein Auto geeignet ist? Sie erwerben dieses Produkt basierend auf Ihrem eigenen Ermessen. Durch das Überprüfen der Spezifikationen, Bilder oder des Produkttitels können Sie feststellen, ob es für Ihr Auto geeignet ist.
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