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Teilenummer: MO-106142-1L
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MOTUL X-POWER 8100 10W60 vol Synthetischer Motoröl 1Liter (universal)

Inkl. 21% MwSt
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Why Motul? Motul have worked with Honda since the early 80's and is still a big lubricant name in Japan, regarding performance engines.

Historically, Motul has regularly stood out from its competitors by its high-tech solutions: as early as 1971, it was the first lubricant producer to sell 100% synthetic oil on the automotive market.
By developing the Ester technology in the 300V Motorsport line, Motul more recently developed a technology placing it above all existing market standards.
The Group owes its innovation capacity to its teams organised in a network in its Centre of Excellence Product, and also to the work conducted in partnership with universities and consultants and to its alliances with specialised players in advanced technological fields.

A specialist in the design and manufacture of high-tech lubricants and a synthetic lubricant expert, Motul are heavily involved at the highest level of motorsport - the ideal testing ground for developing and perfecting products for the public market. Motul has always favoured innovation, research and development. The company is also leader of the motorcycle lubricants market in France. In the motorsports field, many manufacturers trust Motul for its technological developments in car/bike racing. Motul has thus developed close relationships with manufacturers such as Nissan, Yamaha, Subaru, Honda and Suzuki.

Motul 8100 X-Power 10W-60 is a 100% synthetic lubricant, specially designed for high performance cars with naturally aspirated, compressed or turbocharged engines. Recommended for Aston Martin / Alfa Romeo GT s'eries / Lotus / BMW M S'eries / Maserati / Ferrari V12 / TVR / Lancia / Jaguar / Audi R8 5.2L GT.

Suitable for all kind of operating conditions and for all type of fuels : leaded or unleaded Gasoline, ethanol, LPG and Diesel. Compatible for catalytic converters.

8100 X-power 10W-60 provides longer lasting protection in lower or higher mileage engines for a longer lifetime of the vehicle. Extra oil film thickness reduces oil burn off in the combustion chamber and helps preventing oil leaks. The outstanding fluid strength provides high engine protection and stable oil pressure over the drain intervalection over the oil drain interval.

ACEA A3 / B4
API SN / CF (Backwardly compatible with API SJ, SL, SM)

Viscosity grade SAE J 300 10W-60
Density at 20^0C (68^0F) ASTM D1298 0.851
Viscosity at 40^0C (104^0F) ASTM D445 163.4 mm^2/s
Viscosity at 100^0C (212^0F) ASTM D445 23.5 mm^2/s
HTHS viscosity at 150^0C (302^0F) ASTM D4741 5.81 mPa.s
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 174
Pour point ASTM D97 -36^0C / -32.8^0F
Flash point ASTM D92 242^0C / 467.6^0F
Sulfated ash ASTM D874 1.09 % weight
TBN ASTM D2896 10.1 mg KOH/g

This is a 1 liter can, we also offer the 5 liter can (see related products)

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