Injector Dynamics ID-F750 Kraftstofffilter (universal)
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The Injector Dynamics ID F750 is the first performance filter designed to meet strict OE filter requirements, namely Bosch’s specification for electronic fuel injectors. It is the result of substantial research invested in improving the service life of our injectors.
In addition to improved filtering, the ID F750 offers numerous features designed to increase performance and function.
Filter Efficiency
Electronic fuel injectors are built to precise dimensions, measured in microns. The smallest of particles can increase wear, or even destroy a fuel injector.
Bosch provides a specification for protection of electronic fuel injectors, which is a minimum capture efficiency of 87% at 5 microns, and 100% capture efficiency at 35 microns.
This means that the filter will capture at least 87% of all particles 5 microns and larger, and 100% of all particles 35 micron and larger.
The filter element in the ID F750 meets that specification, and does so without undue flow restriction.
Flow Restriction vs Contaminant Load
The ID F750 is designed to hold a high level of contaminant while maintaining low restriction to flow.
This is accomplished with a highly efficient filter element, designed with low pressure drop in mind. At a flow rate of 750 liters per hour, the ID F750 will hold five grams of contaminant, the equivalent of approximately one teaspoon before requiring replacement.
Higher flow rates are possible, but will require more frequent filter changes, depending on the cleanliness of your fuel system.
Delta P Indicator
Delta P is short for delta pressure, which is the difference in pressure between two points. In this case, those two points are the inlet and outlet of the filter.
The Delta P indicator gives a visual indication of the condition of the serviceable filter element, so that it can be replaced before it becomes a problem.
Spin on Housing With Safety Latch
The spin on filter housing features a safety latch to ensure that the housing can not spin off, should it loosen.
It is easily released with one finger, and emits an audible click during assembly.
Pressure Relief and Drain
The ID F750 includes a standard Schrader valve and an o-ring sealed spin on barb which actuates the needle.
This valve can be used for pressure monitoring, draining the system, or relieving pressure for filter changes.
Optional Pressure and Temperature Sensor Block
The plug and play pressure and temperature sensor features a Bosch Motorsport 10 bar (145 psi) pressure sensor, with integral -40 to 140°C (-40 to 284°F) temperature sensor.
It installs with two screws, and adds 30 mm to the overall width. Due to its compact size, it can be added to most systems without need for re-plumbing.
Nominal Flow Rate – 750 l/h @ 7.5 kPa (1.1 psi) pressure drop. 1000 l/h @ 13 kPa (1.9 psi) pressure drop
Maximum Fuel Pressure – 10.0 Bar (145.0 psi)
Fuel Compatibility – Compatible With All Known Fuels
Fluid Connection – SAE -8 O-Ring Barb
Weight – 700g