H-Gear Pro-Line Schalensitz type classic leder (universal)
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This sports seat has been specifically developed for classic cars and hotrods/buggies and fits perfectly here because of the compact sizes.
A sports seat is the ideal solution for sporty drivers or circuit drivers and offers optimum support to drivers with an extremely high level of comfort. In addition, sports seats give the interior of your car an extra sporty look. The shape and design are directly derived from the racing sports for the ultimate experience during spirited driving. The sports seat gives you more control over your car during accelerating or spirited cornering. By means of this sports seat and the sturdy sit that goes with it, you feel at one with your car.
The seat has a sturdy steel frame, which is also used in racing.
The car seat is made of extremely durable material that allows you to use the seat for a long time. The high-quality imitation leather is very hard-wearing and will not fade quickly.
These high quality H-Gear seats are fixed bucket seats, made from imitation leather and steel frame.
Really good quality!
Color: Black leather
Including sliders.
Mounting Points: WxL: 285x275mm
Is this not the product you are looking for? We have a wide variety of Bucket seats for your car! Furthermore, our assortment consists of a variety of H-Gear products!
Difference between ''Pro-Line'' and ''Tuner line'' H-gear products?
The difference between an Tuner-line and Pro-line product has been created, so we can make 2 different collections in our own product range.
The Pro-Line is in general a slightly higher grade in a slightly higher price range, compared to the Tuner-line. Often noticable in the final finish and durability of the product.
This does not mean that the Tuner-line products are ''bad quality'' but are in general an affordable alternative for those who don't need the high grade of the Pro-Line products.