Girodisc 2-teilig bremsenscheiben grooved hinten (Honda NSX 3.5 V6 2016+)
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The primary purpose of the GiroDisc system is to reduce unsprung and overall vehicle weight.
The secondary purpose is to increase the ventilation and cooling capacity of the brake disc while retaining its original dimensions.
This is accomplished by using two-piece disc construction. The central “hat” section of the disc is made from 6061-T6 aircraft specification aluminum.
The disc is made from cast iron, to the same specification and material as used by professional racing organizations. It is a curved vane design, developed in racing to act as a centrifugal pump to force cooling air through the disc. The rotor and hat have a floating mount system, which utilizes high strength alloy steel drive pins, manufactured by GiroDisc to our own specifications and cadmium plated for a long-lasting corrosion resistance. These pins take the load from braking actions while maintaining the axial and radial float between the hat and disc. The pins are secured by grade 12 cap screws with hardened washers. In order to keep the rotors from making noise when cold, the pins are mounted with anti-noise spring clips on the rotor side which allow the rotor to grow with heat expansion but eliminate the rattle and noise associated with floating rotors. This float also allows the rotor to self-center between the pads.
These specific 2-piece rotors give superior braking performance for everyday “Street” styled driving and are ideal for track days giving users that extra braking performance needed to win from the competition.
The GiroDisc system is a direct replacement for the OE disc. No modifications are necessary.
The disc will bolt directly to the car and work with OE Brembo calipers perfectly. Once the GiroDisc system is in place, simply replace the cast iron rotor when needed.