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Teilenummer: DCT-PRO-COP
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Doctronic coil on plug (COP) retrofit kit inkl. ECU (D/B/H/F serie motor)

Inkl. 21% MwSt
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Retrowhat? Now is the programmable ECU Solution Doctronic ProECU-K available for the Honda Engines of the Series B/D/H/F.
Beside of all function of ProECU-K you'll get a real Coil-on-Plug and a optical CAS (Cam Angle Sensor). Our optical CAS comes from a big Japanese car brand and is thousand times proven in several street cars.

The installation is Plug-N-Play. The package comes with an ECU Adapter Harness - disconnect the stock OBD1/2A/2B ECU, install the adapter harness and connect the ProECU-K.
Remove the distributor and install the optical CAS in it's place. Connect the CAS with the adapter harness to the stock connector of the distributor. Route the COP Sub-Harness from the engine bay to ECU, install the COPs, connect everything.

     • Plug-n-Play
     • Coil-on-Plug
     • optical CAS (Cam Angle Sensor)
     • All functions of ProECU-K
     • Edit Fuel, Ignition Tables
     • Expanded Tables for Boost (20x20 Cells)
     • VTEC Control incl. full VTEC Window
     • Idle Control
     • Rev Limiters, Fuel and Ignition Cut
     • Shiftlight by Gear
     • Launch Control (2 Step) by Ignition Cut
     • Flatshift (3 Step) by Igniton Cut
     • Flatshift by Gear
     • Lambda Control
     • Boost Control by Gear
     • Nitrous Control
     • and much more …

    ProECU-K Retrofit contains:

     • (used) K-Series ECU
        or as "Send-In", you send us a comaptible ECU (PRA, PRB-A01..A09, ...)
     • active Adapter Harness
     • Sub-Harness for Coil-on-Plug
     • optical CAS (Cam Angle Sensor)
     • USB Connection Cable
     • Softwarelicense for the Tuningpackage
     • (Software as Download from our Server)

CAS (Cam angle sensor) available for: B16Ax, B18Cx, D16x, H22x

ECU Adapter Harness available for: OBD1, OBD2A, OBD2B (OBD0 upon request)

What do you need as well?

-K-serie coils (see related products)
-Coil adapter plate (see related products) H and D series also available upen request.

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