Cat Cams Ventil Federn/Federteller satz (Honda D16A9/D16Z5 motor)
PAC racing valve springs began its existence with cutting edge technology in material advancements and processing advancements that have allowed our valve springs to excel in all forms of racing. From PAC proprietary alloy PACALLOY, to PAC-enhanced processing to our continued development of further materials and processing, PAC racing springs will give you the competitive edge you need in the demanding stresses of racing.
CAT CAMS valve spring retainers are designed to provide a total valve spring setup solution in conjunction with our range of valve springs, manufactured by "PAC Racing Springs".
During the spring retainer design, maximum focus goes to reliability while reducing the valve train mass.
Depending on application either hardened steel or a hard anodised aluminium alloy is used.
This is a complete set of 16 retainers and 16 valve springs.