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Teilenummer: BR-08.7104.75(X2)
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Brembo Max Geschlitzt bremsscheiben hinter (Civic/CRX/Del sol)

Inkl. 21% MwSt
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Brembo MAX provides improved braking performance under all pressure and speed conditions tested in the laboratory and on the road.
It also ensures greater safety in wet road conditions. The unique conformation of Brembo Max brake discs ensures increased braking power during the initial stages of braking thanks to a higher coefficient of friction: the results are shorter stopping distances and more effective braking action.

Furthermore, the special asymmetric grooves on the surface of Brembo Max discs expels the hot gases released by the friction material more rapidly, while also indicating the degree of wear of the disc itself. Brembo Max discs are particularly ideal for motorists for whom looks are also important: the surfaces not involved in braking are protected by a special anti-corrosion coating. This also eliminates the need to clean the disc before installation, reducing time and costs.

The entire range of Brembo brake discs obtained ABE approval, issued by the German Federal Authority for Road Transport (KBA) certified TÜV of Monaco. Download the KBA certificate of your Brembo Max disc at the following link and see if your car is listed on the certificate.


This price is a for a set of 2 brake discs.

goede en betaalbare schijven
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Ik rij al jaren met deze schijven en sinds kort dus ook verkrijgbaar bij A4H.
Betaalbaar, trekken niet krom (met ds2500) en scheuren niet.
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