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Teilenummer: ACU-1886-T6-X
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Acuity ESCO-T6 Aluminum Schaltknauf (universal)

Inkl. 21% MwSt
Du sparst 2,53 €
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The ESCO-T6 is the rebirth of ACUITY's popular ESCO shape in 6061-T6 aluminum. The ESCO design is quickly becoming the preferred drivers' knob due to its carefully-crafted profile. With a 40mm barrel-shaped upper portion, gently domed top, and tapered bottom, the ESCO-T6 fits beautifully in most drivers' hands. While spherical knobs have become popular, the truth is they allow a lot of grip variation when changing gears. By forcing a more consistent hand position through its unique shape, the ESCO-T6 helps to train muscle memory, making shifts more consistent.

The ESCO-T6 weighs in at approximately 185 grams. The mid-weight is meant to provide enough mass to provide a good shift feel without masking feedback from the gearbox. To compliment the ergonomic shape, each knob is anodized in a durable satin red anodized finish and laser engraved with the 6-Speed Honda/Acura gear pattern. The finished appearance is simple and classic. For the best shifting experience, pair your ESCO knob with ACUITY's other shifting upgrades for your car. Important Note About Shift Boot Fitment:

On many Honda's and Acura's made after 2010, the shift boot clips to the underside of the shift knob. Older vehicles had a shift boot that just sat near the underside of the knob, but did not mate to it. If your shift boot clips to the underside of your shift knob, you should check to see if it clips to a nut or to the knob itself. If the boot clips to a nut, your boot and nut should work with your new Esco knob as well. If the boot clips to the actual OEM shift knob, however, you will need additional parts to prevent the boot from sagging after installation. We currently provide 3 shift boot collars that can correct this issue. The part #'s are 1924-k1 (satin black anodized finish), 1924-k2 (turned stainless steel finish), 1924-k3 (burnt titanium finish).

Similarly, if you have an older vehicle that doesn't have a shift boot that clips to the knob, you can also use the same shift boot collars (1924-k1, 1924-k2, and 1924-k3) to clip the boot to the knob for a more modern, clean, finished appearance.

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